I was watching the news the on new years and stopped at CNN (BIAS MOTHER EFFERS) I couldn't help but laugh at them showing all the disasters of 2010 that had happened around the world. Ya the natural disasters are heartbreaking of course that even made me look back and thank God I am safe in my home. They started showing Haiti and that was the longest piece of clip they had on with sad faces people crying and what not.
I sat there having a Flash back and realized. WOW this is very sad that so many people had to suffer for this natural disaster. I mean they don't deserve this at all! BUT woah does everybody remember WHAT was on every channel on your television during the recovery period of Haiti? Tons and Tons of famous people got together and started a "charity" service to help Haiti survive this mess. Where ever I went i saw an advertising for Haiti, Songs written for Haiti, Channels dedicated just for charity/fund raising. This became a world wide advertisement for people to feel sorry for innocent lives that had been killed. BUT it makes sense! If innocent people are in trouble what do you do? YOU help them! Right? What ever it takes to get attention to help someone else you shall do it to support those in need Right?
BUT HEY... Where was everyone when Afghanistan had innocent people dying everyday. When Iraq had children and mothers crying on television saying STOP THE WAR! Where was everybody when those innocents were dying for no reason? Were was the musical and songs being written and channels being stopped and dedicated JUST to stop the war or support those families so they can have money to even FIND their lost son or daughter?
George Clooney didn't step up and donate money then did he? Or set up a show for the world to see that THEY NEED HELP?
Estimated 230,000 people died in Haiti earthquake
Estimated deaths in Afghanistan since 2001 19, 629
Estimated deaths in Iraq 900, 338 (total injured 1,690,903)
That's nearly 4 times MORE deaths then Haiti. And this was Intentional harm. Not Natural disaster. Those numbers are actually false. They are much much greater than that. But we wont ever know now will we? WHY are people so bind. Can't you see what they are doing to us? Something tells me, common sense is not so common now a days. It is very very sad.
Anyway I am tired. Its 2am just came back from a party! This was going through my head the whole time so i had to post it. THINK about it people!