Jul 29, 2010

Great Respect Comes From Great Achievements. (One of my idols Muhammad Ali )

2am, still searching for sleep

2 am and i am still up. Just watched an amazing movie which got my brain still spinning and wondering many things. I was reminded of my best friend who had passed away last November 2009. Sometimes its so hard to sleep in the memories of his last days at the hospital. I look for things to distract my self. So i come across the great world of youtube. I watch random videos for 2-3 hours until my eyes get tired and i can no longer sit on my spinning computer chair. Most of my day today i spent sleeping, i was not feeling to well from the morning. So now im having even a harder time falling asleep. I have class at 9am which means i have to wake up at 7. urghhhh must i remind you, i am not an early riser, nor am i a lovely person at that time.

Jul 27, 2010

1 o' clock monday morning

So...i couldn't sleep and decided to open a blog.
Lately a lot has been going on with my life and thought I should share some thoughts.
So cheers to my first Post :) and to a new beginning for blogging.